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That's my neighbor's huge SUV in the lower right-hand corner, by the way. This picture was taken early this morning. I'd say we have two feet of snow so far and the blizzard is expected to continue through the afternoon. We're going to end up with about three feet of snow. It's on pace to be the biggest storm since they started keeping records in 1892. It's most certainly going to be in the top three, which includes the Blizzard of '78.
I live North of Boston, near the coast. High tide is around 10 a.m., about an hour from now. It's a 9.76-foot tide and the 30-foot storm surge is expected to cause flooding--some areas might have to be evacuated. They've shut down Revere Beach Parkway, which is right on the ocean, and the Causeway, which is the only road leading into or out of Nahant. You can see a map that shows Revere Beach and Nahant here.
Update: The storm didn't turn out to be too bad after all. Big drifts, though. Almost up to the first floor windows. We have a basement, so I'm guessing that's at least five feet.

There's something about a blizzard that brings neighbors together ... in order to gossip behind each other's backs. I learned quite a bit while out shovelling today. No, no. I mean there's something about a blizzard that brings neighbors together, period. My neighbor, who has a big black dog, offered to take my dog over to her house to play while I shoveled. My dog was a little frustrated that she couldn't get out and play with all the people and dogs on the street.

So I shoveled a path to the curb and passed her over the snow bank to the neighbor so the baby could have her play date.
That's what I call love.
Hi Gienna,
Enjoy reading your posts and seeing your photos. The blizzard one is beautiful, amazing that much snow, and I remember the '78 one and crosscountry skiing to get to work in my Ma. hometown. Great memories.
Stay warm and much luck in getting back to normal after the snow. By the way.. thank you for the comments you left about my photoblog Reflex photos on BE. Linda B./msdedi
Great photos of your dog! I'm glad we didn't get this much snow in Baltimore.
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