
Fifty Words is Coming Soon

I've been working on my new weekly writing meme site, Fifty Words. I posted some details and answers to anticipated FAQs here and I've written the first prompt, which I will post Sunday morning. Anyone is welcome to play and I hope lots of people will join in.

I'd love some help coming up with a great tag line for the site. If you have an idea, leave a comment. If I pick your suggestion I'll give you props and post a link to you on the new site.


Anonymous said...

I'm in. I don't get to do the photo challenges because i don't get much time out to take photos. But this I can do from work!

Kyle Smith said...

Fifty Words Taglines...

- Where 51's too many but 49 just isn't enough.

- Finally, an English assignment you won't have to complain about.

- It's writing, with ADD.

- The next best thing to instant gratification.

Or, you could write something that is exactly 50 words for your tagline.

... And for your next meme, Fifty Notes: Name That Tune for the Novice Composer.

Katie said...

Hey I will try to go to your site today if I have a few minutes.
In the globe they talk about googlewhacking. Remember when I told you about it????

Gienna said...

Robert -- cool. Just don't get caught. Hey, I just went to your site to catch up and saw my name. That gave me goosebumps.

Galileo -- great ones! I like "It's writing, with ADD". Maybe something like that but with the phrase "short attention span?"

Katie -- You are *so* ahead of all the curves. I tried Googlewacking. It's hard.