My camera is in the shop, so I picked out two pictures of the baby to post. This is what she looks like now (someone called her "fat" yesterday!):

And this is what she looked like when she first came home:

(Click on the pictures for a larger, clearer image.)
This picture was taken during her first trip to the beach. She looks terrified, right? She was very, very shy when she first came home from the Northeast Animal Shelter at about three months old. She always had that worried look on her face, whether she was sleeping, eating, or wagging her tail. She has definitely come out of her shell since then. And she enjoyed her birthday party very much. I could tell.
By the way, I posted these pictures with "hello" software and found an Easter Egg while doing so. Typing the word "love" causes a heart icon to tumble down the picture preview window. You want to know the truth? It scared the CRAP out of me.
Say Happy B-day to Sadie for me! You should have invited me to her party! :(
did I say she was fat, who said she was fat?
I don't know, Anonymous. Are you the guy who takes my elderly upstairs neighbor to the grocery store?
Maybe the guy upstairs has really bad bad eyes and everyone looks fat to him. Maybe you should have invited him to Sadie's party!
Happy Birthday Sadie! Bandit just had his birthday September 3rd. Here's to many happy heathy more! Your not fat either girl! Don't listen to that kind of talk! It was probably a cat that said it anyway! You know how they can be!
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