
Things the Dog is Not Supposed to Do

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The dog is not supposed to eat the flowers.

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The dog is definitely not supposed to be up on the bed in the new cottage without her underpants on.

Click for larger image.Click for larger image.

The dog is not supposed to smell something gross and then roll in it.

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The dog is not supposed to be up on my side of the couch. Nor is she supposed to be up on other people's couches (even if they are not home at the time).

And yet, for some reason ...

How could anyone get mad at a face like this?

... somehow she manages to get away with it all.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos! The captions were just right. Very nice.

Gienna said...

Thanks! Actually, you wouldn't believe how many pictures I have of my dog's tail as she runs out of the frame. One of the big drawbacks of digital cameras is the delay between when you push the button and when the image actually gets captured. You have to learn to almost predict a picture and press the button a second or two before it happens. I'm still working on that.