
On a creative roll ... and in a negative mood

I got my issue of Pacific Yachting, in which one of my photographs appears ... very small and with no photo credit.

I also found out that one of my photos is going to be published in a photo book ... maybe. Unless it's a scam. And it's probably a scam.

I also dropped off a photograph today at the Marblehead Art Association, which is having an open juried show. I won't get in. I never get in. And if I do get in I won't win an award.

My mom says to me today "how do you know you won't get in?"

And I say, "Um, because I never win anything? And nobody ever likes my photos? And I suck?"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the no credit...did you get paid at least? Good luck with the art show, and try not to reverse-jinx yourself with bad expectations :)