
Deep Throat Revealed?

Is former FBI official W. Mark Felt Deep Throat? Looks that way. And I have to say I'm disappointed. There were so many more interesting possibilities ...

Updated: The MSNBC story has additional details.

Note: A few hours after I posted the original entry, above, Woodward and Bernstein (as well as the Post) confirmed that Felt was indeed DT.

More updates: The New York Times coverage, of course, is excellent. But for real in-depth coverage you have to go to the source. Today's Washington Post coverage is a must read (permanent link here). (Registration required for both--totally worth it in my opinion.)

Post staffer Hank Steuver writes what I've been thinking: "What could be more of a letdown than finding out who Deep Throat is? Finding it out in Vanity Fair?" The Post has also started a Deep Throat Revealed Blog.

And finally, you can read the Vanity Fair article here. It's also available in PDF format for a more magazine-like reading experience. I haven't had time to read it yet. I'll tell you what, though -- I'm more interested in how Vanity Fair got the story than I am about Felt himself.

Another update: Read the story behind the story -- how Vanity Fair scooped the Post on DT's identity -- in this Post story.



Anonymous said...

Isn't it possible that "Deep Throat" was a code for all the confidential informants W&B used? Thus, Felt could believe he was DT but was actually only part of it. That would also account for the erroneous information from DT that has led some to say it couldn't have been Felt.

I'm still holding out for Linda Lovelace.

Earl Babbie

Anonymous said...

Oh, Earl -- if only. I was hoping for Supreme Court Justice William Rhenquist, Diane Sawyer, or Pat Buchannon myself. All three would have been awesome.