We're going to get two feet of snow in the Boston area and along the Massachusetts coastline this weekend. Two feet. I love snow, but that's a bit much.
In yesterday's post, I listed some of my favorite entries for last week's Photo Friday challenge. Since then, a few more have entered, including two of my favorite photobloggers, Visual Field and his friend Chiaroscuro. Make sure you check out their wonderful sites.
I know I've been posting a lot of photography lately. I've just been in that kind of mood. But don't worry, I'll start boring you all with the writing again very soon. I'm also compiling a massive list of links and plan to update my sidebar this weekend. What the hell else am I going to do buried under two feet of snow?
Finally, thanks to all of you who voted for me on Blog Explosion, making me #1 for about a minute ... That was pretty cool! I'm giving you all tens!
Damn. I just tried to show my mom how popular I was on Blog Explosion and I'm not even in the top 10 anymore. Not only that, my rating plummeted. That is so sad. On many levels. What, did you guys go and give me all zeros? Didn't want me to get too full of myself?
Well, it worked.
Nice Photos and Cool website.
that's a lovely photograph..thanks for sharing
I did check out Visual Field from Baltimore and his photographs are well worth looking at.
Those tulips are nice to see on a day like today. We didn't get 2 feet of snow here (did you?), but it was still enough to have me shoveling for a couple of hours. I grew up in Florida and enjoyed seeing snow at first when I moved north, but now would be happy never to see another snowflake.
Thanks for mentioning my site; yours is one of my absolute favorites.
I just saw your comment about Blog Explosion. It was probably mentioning my site that caused your rating to plummet. In any case, we wacky Baltimorians still love you (although I realize some might say this was damning with faint praise).
Pretty tulips. Wish it were tulip season and not stinking blizzard season. Also wish we had taken up our friends on the offer of a used snowblower.
tomorrow is gonna royally suck. Hope you have someone to dig you out!
i got my 60mins fame at blog explosion being on the #1 as well. too short but it was neat! hey your photos are awesome, i'll keep coming back, thanks. - The Paper Issue
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