I got the idea to plant succulents in vintage planters on Pinterest, my latest addiction (yes, I'm late to the party as always). Here's the pin that inspired this project. I was snowed in, so it's a little half-assed. I scavenged stuff I already had on hand. Took me about an hour to do three.
I got the idea to plant succulents in vintage planters on Pinterest, my latest addiction (yes, I'm late to the party as always). Here's the pin that inspired this project. I was snowed in, so it's a little half-assed. I scavenged stuff I already had on hand. Took me about an hour to do three.
First I took some of the "chicks," which grow on runners leading out from the "hens." I didn't have to cut them, they just pop right off with a gentle tug at the base. That tiny little root in the center, hanging down from the stem, is a good thing.
Succulents like well-drained soil but this little blue McCoy butterfly pattern jar has no drainage holes. So I used bit of "beach pottery" instead of river rock or pebbles. They'd be covered up but I have scads of them so I won't miss these few.
The little chick looked lonely, so I played around with some fillers--beach glass, marbles, polished stone--till I found a look I liked.
And then I did two more: