I used to feel funny describing the folks I've met online over the years as my friends. People I've never met in person and talk to only in text boxes or via email. People who know me as Gienna Writes and people that I greet by screen name more often than not--even when I happen to know their full name, where they live, and a little bit about their "real life" lives.
But this week I learned that a photographer I've known on Flickr for a few years died in a tragic car accident along with his wife, sister, and several others.
We were in a couple of Flickr photo critique groups together--the sweet and sensitive "Cream Me" group and the raucus and good-naturedly mean-spirited "DeleteMe" group. He had kind word for me in the former and was a funny bastard in the latter.
And so I just want to say that I'll miss my friend Hughes Léglise-Bataille, aka Hugo*.
And because he was always kind enough to include an English translation for his photo descriptions ...
J'avais l'habitude d'une drôle de sensation décrivant les gens que j'ai rencontrés en ligne au cours des années que mes amis. Les gens que je n'ai jamais rencontré en personne et a parlé seulement dans les zones de texte ou par courriel. Les gens qui me connaissent comme Gienna Écrit et les gens que je salue par son nom d'écran le plus souvent - même si je sais leur nom complet, et où ils vivent, et un peu plus sur leur vie réelle vie.
Mais cette semaine j'ai appris que le photographe que j'ai connu sur Flickr depuis quelques années est mort dans un tragique accident de voiture avec sa femme, sœur, et plusieurs autres.
Nous étions à quelques groupes de Flickr critique photo ensemble - la douce et sensible à la Crème Me et le groupe raucus et bonne humeur mesquine DeleteMe groupe. Il avait mot gentil pour moi dans l'ancienne et a été un salaud drôle dans ce dernier.
Et donc je veux juste dire que je vais rater mon ami Hughes Léglise-Bataille, alias Hugo *.
"For as Long as I can Remember" at Lynn Arts
It's been a while since I've updated this blog, but a friend of mine just started a blog called "complicated bacon" and it made me think of this so here I am.
This is the second one I've done--it was accepted to an upcoming show that runs through April 6 at Lynn Arts. More deets below.
For as Long as I Can Remember - mixed media |
I've been doing some mixed media pieces lately--incorporating photographs but also a whole lotta other stuff.
Last month I submitted my first one, Mixed Messages, to the Marblehead Arts Association and it received an honorable mention (I ended up taking it out of the show but that is a whole 'nother story).
Click on the thumbnails, below, if you'd like to see how the piece progressed. Some day, when I'm not stealing time at work, I'll write a little bit more about the materials and the process of making it and what I'm learning. Short story: I really like it. :) It is, as they say in the mental health field, cathartic.

Capturing Time
Photography Show
Juror Ron DiRito
March 10-April 6
Lynn Arts
75 Exchange Street
Lynn, MA 01901
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 12 2-14 p.m.
Gallery hours
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Thurs 10 - 8
Sat 11-4
Capturing Time
Photography Show
Juror Ron DiRito
March 10-April 6
Lynn Arts
75 Exchange Street
Lynn, MA 01901
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 12 2-14 p.m.
Gallery hours
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Thurs 10 - 8
Sat 11-4